Vancouver, Canada

The VHS was Amenda’s first creative medium for making mixtapes while still in her single digits. Additional experiences with woodwind instruments led a natural transition from bedroom DJ to the dance floor, allowing efficacious beat-matching from square one, with a first love in UK Garage classics.

Amenda, formerly known as Amanda Rude, had a prevalent influence on the scene as a co-founder of the Flydjs initiative beginning in 2005, Kelowna, BC. Together with founder JGirl, they led impactful projects such as female DJ lessons which resulted many successful women in the EDM scene when they were scarce. Her heavy involvement landed her gigs in countries such as USA, England, Spain and Germany.

More recently, you will see her participating in events supporting social responsibility or actively pursuing design to push the experience and brand of her Westcoast team, slowdjs and their affiliates.
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